Saturday, August 27, 2016

How To Get Rid Of Acne - Treatments, Skin Cures

Cosmetic For pimple 1. Spices and food allergies: Spicy foodis usually cooked with chillies and tomatoes; these contain acidic lycopene which can affect the skin’s pH, triggering breakouts. Food allergies are equal culprits, especially if you’re lactose intolerant or allergic to seafood, certain kinds of vegetables and any other foods.
2. Cosmetics: If they contain pore-clogging ingredients mineral oil and silicone, avoid.
3. Hair products: Ingredients such as sulfates (cleansing agents), silicones and heavy moisturizing agentswhich are present in hair cleansers, conditioners and stylers can creep into your pores and block them.
4. Smoking: Not only does smoking reduce the supply of oxygen to your face (making you look older), but the carcinogens dry the skin goading it to produce more oil. And we all know what happens with that.
5. Rough and excessive exfoliating: Exfoliation is good but when done with a vengeance, can spread the bacteria across the skin.
6. Picking at your pimple: Apart from being a disgusting habit, you could just end up pushing the bacteria in further or spreading it around your skin.
7. Stress:Skin produces stress hormones like cortisol when sensing pressure. This pushes the oil glands to produce testosterone, which further aggravates oil production and clogs pores.
8. Unhygienic habits: Not bathing or washing your face after a workout makes the dirt and bacteria that was already present mix with sweat and settle comfortably into your pores, which have now been opened up by the workout.
And yes, this one’s a weird one:
9. Constantly touching your face or using your hand as a chin rest: It directly transfers the bacteria from hand to the face.
Well, now that you know the pimple causes, you know how to avoid them. To keep your skin clear, fresh and looking young, you could also use a suitable variant cosmetic products. If you want to know which cosmetic products are safe for pimple then click here


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